
Tilman Becker

Tilman Becker is a German scientist and expert in the field of Industry 4.0, since 2020 he is the director of the RICAIP Centre for Advanced Industrial Production at the Czech Institute of Informatics, Robotics and Cybernetics (CIIRC) of the Czech Technical University in Prague. With twenty-five years of experience at DFKI,Germany's largest artificial intelligence research center, he has a broad knowledge of digital transformation, natural language processing,cyber-physical manufacturing systems and human-machine interaction research. He is involved in international research projects in collaboration with leading European institutes and industrial corporations, especially in the fields of industrial robotics, Artificial Intelligence and Big Data.

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Ivo Denemark

Ivo Denemark specializes in startups and their complex support. Since 2020, he has been working at the state-owned CzechInvest Agency for the Promotion of Entrepreneurship and Investment in the incubator for space projects ESA BIC asa Space Project Manager for the selection of suitable startups for the incubator and their care. Since February 2022, he has been leading the Technology Incubation Department at CzechInvest - an ambitious project that aims to help approximately 200 selected startups reach their potential. In his roles at the CzechInvest Agency, he builds on his previous experience as a project manager for innovation, a marketer managing social networks, as well as an educator and a guide to his home district of Prague 3 - Žižkov, where he is a proud patriot and a volunteer firefighter. In his free time he enjoys family,curling, board games and LARP.

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Markéta Klíčová

Marketa Klicova is a PhD candidate in Nanotechnology at the Technical University of Liberec. Marketa represented the Czech Republic at the international Falling Walls Lab Finale in Berlin in 2018, where she received the Audience Choice Award. Based on the results from FW Lab, Marketa was chosen to participate in the novel project organs-on-chip at Harvard Medical School under the supervision of Prof. Donald E. Ingber, one of the most cited researchers worldwide. She continues working on many scientific projects, regularly introduces her research in the Czech media, and brings the science closer to the public.

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Hana Kosová

Hana Kosová has been working with Charles University since 2011, starting as an independent business consultant for pre-seed and proof of concept projects and later on building University Innovation Network. She has been part of the management team of the Centre for Knowledge and Technology Transfer since 2014 and in 2016 was appointed its director. She helped to shape the professional Czech national association Transfera.cz and for 2015 - 2018 acted as its vice-president, she remains its board member. Since 2019 she has become a board member of the international knowledge and technology transfer professionals´ association ASTP and chairs the ASTP‘s National Associations Advisory Committee. She was part of the team that initiated and eventually founded the subsidiary Charles University Innovations Prague, LLC in 2018, where she acted as a member of the Supervisory Board from the beginning until 3/2022.

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Pavel Krečmer

Dr. Krecmer is the deputy Director of CEITEC BUT and is responsible for internationalization and strategic development. He is an experienced R&I manager with over 20 years of activity in top-class public and private international R&I environments. Dr. Krecmer has a PhD from Cambridge University in Physical Chemistry. During his PhD studies he discovered a novel optical phenomena: Opto-mechanical effect. He was awarded UK research council (EPSRC) funding supporting creation of a new research direction and develop a new optical laboratory at Cambridge Uni. During his postdoctoral studies he was involved in the creation of an additional IPR, which led to the Cambridge University spin-out company Polight Technologies Ltd., which he co-founded with prof. Mark Welland and Prof. Stephen Elliott in 2000 and which attracted over 5M US$ funding from the venture capital. During the 2003 financial crisis the company wound up and he obtained a Marie Curie Individual Fellowship to continue his work. Later he worked in Rolls Royce in the development of RR Fuel Cells, where he served as a scientific officer and group leader on advanced instrumentation; coordinating Rolls Royce Fuel Cells science programmes with A-star institute in Singapore and German and UK universities.

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Michaela Vojníková

Michaela Vojníková is a PhD candidate at CEITEC BUT whose research focuses on nanoparticles for cancer theranostic. This project received funding from Brno project Ph.D. Talent. She participated in Falling Walls Lab 2021, winning a national run and receiving the Audience Award. Falling Walls Lab helped her to be a part of a youth team EU TALENTON solving cancer questions organised by the European Commission. This year she started popularisation of science on social medias where she popularise nanotechnology and the lives of scientists who should be heard of.

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