
The Falling Walls Lab is represented by an interdisciplinary format to showcase the next generation of top researchers from all over the world, hosted annually by the Falling Walls Foundation in Berlin. Participants have exactly 3 minutes, never more, never less, to present their projects (in English) from a wide range of fields in front of an audience and jury.

The application deadline is set for 15 July 2024



You must be 18 years or older when submitting your application. There is no upper age limit for applicants.

You must fulfil at least one of the following formal requirements:

  • You are currently enrolled in university and/or are currently a postdoc
  • You received a Bachelor’s degree no more than 10 years ago
  • You received a Master’s degree no more than 7 years ago
  • You received a PhD no more than 5 years ago

*An MD (medical degree excl. a doctoral dissertation) is considered equivalent to a Master’s degree. A Dr. med. (medical degree incl. a doctoral dissertation) is considered equivalent to a PhD.

Please note, no exceptions are allowed which limit the participation to students and staff of one university or to specific degrees (e.g. PhD students only).

The application deadline is set for 15 July 2024.


Evaluation CriteriaEvaluationCriteria

The jury will evaluate your presentation based on the following criteria:

  • Breakthrough factor: How innovative is the proposed idea?
  • Relevance/Impact: How relevant is the idea to the discipline and beyond?
  • Structure/Performance: How convincing was the presentation?

What we need from you?

First, register on the website of the Falling Walls Lab Czech Republic. While confirming your participation, make sure to reveal the final title of your presentation to us.

We also kindly ask you to send us, if you advance to the national finals, a short BIO (+/- 150 words) together with your photo. All materials will be published on the website or our Facebook page and can be used for the event's propagation purposes.

Don’t forget to download brief instructions of the Lab and presentation template mentioned above. Please, send us your final presentation by 4 September 2024 at latest.


Good to know

Since the title of your presentation will be linked to the production of organisational materials, any last-minute changes won't be accepted. Thank you for your understanding.

As the Falling Walls Lab presentation will be made for a broad audience, this challenge should be met with your ability to convince the jury of your idea's wide impact. Therefore, if your solution is highly technical, you should be able to convey why this is important for society.

Conversely, many applicants have framed the impact of their ideas in a broad manner, while here, the key is to convey why your solution is unique and ground-breaking.

If you're unable to attend the Lab for any reason, please inform us immediately to allow another applicant to take your place.


National Library of Technology

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us! You can do so via our e-mail or Facebook.

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Global Falling Walls Website
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